Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New focus for my blog

I have had this blog for some time but lately (as in the last year or more) I haven't had a very clear focus.  I used it more as a dumping ground for various things and it never had anything cohesive to give it a clear message.

So after some thought I decided to go ahead and narrow my focus of this blog and concentrate on technology.  I have always had a passion for all things tech and I want this blog to reflect the passion that I have for it.  So hopefully it will be a beneficial place for people, a place that you can learn about cutting-edge technology, a place where thoughts and opinions can be shared, and most of all have it provide some value.

I am not a writer so hopefully as I get more and more into this, that my skills will continue to improve.  I will also be trying to read up on ways that I can improve this blog , so if you have some thoughts on ways I can do that please let me know!

I have been in the telecommunications industry for a long time.  So with that I am going to be discussing a lot of things related to wireless technology and cellular phones.  I currently carry an HTC Evo 4G android phone after using an iPhone for over 3 years.  I also just got a Google TV and am really trying to learn all about it because I truly feel it will revolutionize how we use tv as we know it now.  So I will try and post some tips and tricks that I have uncovered - either by myself or from other places on the interwebs!

So with that I will be done for now but am excited about the direction that I am going with this.  I will be posting a bit on Google TV very soon!

Thanks and enjoy!


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