Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Official Google Docs Blog : Editing your Google Docs on the go

Brian has sent you a link to a blog:


Blog: Official Google Docs Blog
Post: Editing your Google Docs on the go

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Sunday, November 7, 2010


Saturday, November 6, 2010

SyFy network now blocking Google TV

So it appears that is now blocking episodes from being watched on Google TV.  Not sure what the reason is yet but I am pretty sure that NBC owns SyFy and NBC is already blocking GTV... not sure if any other networks are planning to block GTV so stay tuned...

-- Brian

Quick tip for Twitter on Google TV

The Twitter app on Google TV takes a little getting used to but once you get the hang of it, it is actually pretty nice.

Here is a little tip that I just discovered: In a tweet that includes a Twitter user, a hashtag or a web link, you just have to double-click that selection and you will bring up a new page with more details.

Example would be in a tweet that has "@googletv rocks, go to to check it out! #googlerocks" all you need to do is double click @googletv - it brings up the user info for that name, double click #googlerocks and it will bring up all the tweets that contain that hashtag, and by double clicking the will take you outside of Twitter and open up that webpage in the Chrome browser.  All in all I think it is pretty slick.

So give it a shot... and enjoy!

-- Brian

Google TV - The experience

So I have had my GTV running for the last couple of weeks and overall I am extremely pleased with it.    As I mentioned in my last post, I was hoping to drop my cable service once I had my Google TV, but as you will read that isn't really an option just yet.

Knowing that this is a Google product and the first two manufacturers of the device are Logitech and Sony (Sony has it built in to some of their TV's and also a stand alone Blu Ray player) made this a no-brainer for me.  This is the first generation of Google TV and they are entering waters that no one has been before - sure their is Apple TV and Roku and other devices that do similar things but mainly they are separate from the TV experience.  Like when you want to switch from watching cable TV to a DVD, you switch devices and that is how the competition does it.  What I like about GTV is that it is running with your TV experience.

So how does that actually work with it running with your TV?  Pretty well in theory... but the major TV networks and Hulu are causing it to be frustrating for the moment.  All of the major networks (except for FOX for right now) are blocking GTV from accessing their content online.  They - NBC, CBS and ABC all have full episodes available online that you can watch from a computer... just not your Google TV.  The reason is all about money.  The networks are afraid that if you can get your fix of House or American Idol online then you wont watch regular TV anymore - and that is where the advertising dollar is at a premium.  Their short-sided fear isn't gaining them any friends nor is it solving that problem.  It is only delaying it... but that would be a whole separate story!

So what can you do with your Google TV?  You can watch full episodes on the websites of other networks - like TNT or TBS or others - check out this story about a pretty full list of sites:

You can also stream music from Pandora or Napster and have it play in the background while you browse the Internet.  GTV has a full browser built-in and it gives basically the same experience that you get from a computer with the benefit of having it right on your TV!  That is one of the best features for me and I use it a lot!  You can also have your live TV program in a small box at the same time so you can still watch your show while you use other applications in Google TV.  Those applications are just a handful right now but will explode next year when developers release apps specific for GTV.  For right now you have Pandora, Napster, CNBC, Twitter, NBA Game Time and Netflix.  If you don't have a Netflix account - get one!  The amount of available content that you can watch instantly and with it being integrated into Google TV makes it a stand out feature.  Once you have your Instant Queue set up just go the Netflix app, select the show or movie you want to watch and within a few seconds it will begin playing and it looks fantastic!!

The whole experience just works for me.  It is kind of quirky at times and it isn't something that I could get for my Mom and expect her to "get it"... at least not yet.  I think the reason for that is because this device is so new and innovative that no one, not even Google, is sure exactly how this will grow.  I truly believe that Google knows they have work to do and are keeping a close eye on how things progress with the early adopters like me.  I can't reduce or drop my cable service yet but I believe over time that will change.  There just isn't enough network shows online yet.  I think if anyone can figure out a way to get the networks to open up their content, it's Google.  And everyone will benefit, the networks, Google, and us the end-users!

The possibilities are endless now, and our TV experience has changed forever for the better.  So if you have a Google TV, let me know how its going for you, or if you are thinking of buying one and have questions just let me know!

And happy couch surfing!

-- Brian

Google TV - Setting it up

So Google TV has launched and there are lots of places to read a review or two... but I thought I would share my $0.02 as well.

I was excited about getting a GTV from the day it was announced.  I had high expectations and my biggest thought was that I could reduce, or even eliminate, my cable service.  I followed the tidbits of information as it came out and when it was finally time to pre-order one, I did.  I bought the Logitech Revue direct from Logitech.  It comes with a full size qwerty keyboard and a small box that you connect between your set top box (either cable or satellite) and your TV or A/V system via an HDMI cable.  That is it, but it is all you need.

Once you connect everything then you need to set it up.  It is fairly straightforward because Logitech has done such a great job of having all the codes needed for virtually every manufacturer of set top box, A/V system and TV due to their Harmony line of universal remotes.  The biggest hiccup I had was that my STB (set top box) is a Motorola and they only allow 2 HDMI devices to be connected in a row... so from my STB to my GTV then to my A/V system caused an issue that I had no picture.  Thankfully I had already read up on this on the Logitech support website and knew that I would need an optical cable and that I would need to run my HDMI cable direct to my TV.  For those that aren't as comfortable in connecting up their home theater system this could cause some heartburn but you can always but it from Best Buy and have Geek Squad hook it up for you, or ask your geeky friend to lend a hand.

Once everything is connected properly the set-up was a snap.  It asks for all your model numbers and when it is finished, your keyboard (which is also your universal remote now) is able to control everything you need.  Your set top box, TV and A/V system can all be controlled immediately upon finishing the set up.  You don't have to do a thing.

Once you are done setting it up it's time to check out all the features.  Which I will cover in my next blog...

-- Brian

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New focus for my blog

I have had this blog for some time but lately (as in the last year or more) I haven't had a very clear focus.  I used it more as a dumping ground for various things and it never had anything cohesive to give it a clear message.

So after some thought I decided to go ahead and narrow my focus of this blog and concentrate on technology.  I have always had a passion for all things tech and I want this blog to reflect the passion that I have for it.  So hopefully it will be a beneficial place for people, a place that you can learn about cutting-edge technology, a place where thoughts and opinions can be shared, and most of all have it provide some value.

I am not a writer so hopefully as I get more and more into this, that my skills will continue to improve.  I will also be trying to read up on ways that I can improve this blog , so if you have some thoughts on ways I can do that please let me know!

I have been in the telecommunications industry for a long time.  So with that I am going to be discussing a lot of things related to wireless technology and cellular phones.  I currently carry an HTC Evo 4G android phone after using an iPhone for over 3 years.  I also just got a Google TV and am really trying to learn all about it because I truly feel it will revolutionize how we use tv as we know it now.  So I will try and post some tips and tricks that I have uncovered - either by myself or from other places on the interwebs!

So with that I will be done for now but am excited about the direction that I am going with this.  I will be posting a bit on Google TV very soon!

Thanks and enjoy!


Friday, July 16, 2010

iPhone 4 Press Event details

Not sure how well this will be received by the masses but here it is!

"Apple today sent out the big guns (read: Steve Jobs) to disarm the potential PR disaster that is the iPhone 4′s highly publicized PR issues. It held a special press event, possibly the only one it’s ever had that hasn’t been a product announcement, to address the rising number of concerns and complaints, which culminated in Consumer Reports’ removal of its buy recommendation for the iPhone 4."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My cool kid...

I'm testing out a new Android app - Blogger-droid to post a blog while mobile. threw the pic in there just cause she's too darn cute not to!...

Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.7

Friday, June 11, 2010

Peoria’s priority problem « The Peoria Chronicle

There are some very good points in here. Look at all of the "must have's" that the city tried before and see how far that got us?? If you pay taxes in Peoria, you should read this story...

Peoria’s priority problem « The Peoria Chronicle

Monday, May 24, 2010

Is the Civic Center expansion meeting consultant’s predictions? « The Peoria Chronicle

In 2005, the Peoria Civic Center broke ground on a $55 million expansion project. The project was completed on March 1, 2007. The project was approved in part because of a study done by Charles H. Johnson Consulting, Inc., in 2002 which predicted a positive economic impact for the expansion. Peoria would be able to attract more conventions, bringing more people to Peoria, which would lead to higher sales tax revenues.
I thought it might be helpful to look at the predictions and compare them to the newly-expanded Civic Center’s actual performance. Let’s look at these three indicators: Event Days, Attendance, and Net Operating Income.
First, to be fair, I should point out that the Johnson report’s predictions are for “a stabilized year of operation after facility improvements are completed.” What constitutes a “stabilized year of operation” is open to some debate. It could be as early as the third year of operation after completion, or as late as the fifth or sixth. We only have numbers up through FY2009, since FY2010 won’t be complete until the end of August. So, while it’s been three years since March 2007 by the calendar, we only have numbers up through August 2009, or roughly two years after completion of the project.
Nevertheless, it’s worth looking at the trends even this early for two reasons: (1) the time leading up to a “stabilized year” is called the “ramp up” time, and one would expect to see the numbers trending upward even if they haven’t yet reached the predicted levels, and (2) the success of the Civic Center is cited as one of the biggest reasons (if not the only one) for approving the Wonderful Development (i.e., downtown Marriott hotel deal).
Event Days
The Johnson study predicted that the number of Event Days would rise from 510 (the total for FY2001) to 632 — a 24% increase — after expansion. Actual Event Days from 2001 to 2009 did trend upward to a peak of 607 in FY2008, but then dipped significantly in FY2009 to 575. Here’s the breakdown by facility (Theater, Arena, Convention Center), with the total shown in green:
When you look at the Event Days by facility, the Arena and Convention Center actually met or slightly exceeded predictions, whereas the Theater fell short in FY2008. However, increasing Event Days does not necessarily translate into higher attendance or more net income, as we shall next.
The Johnson study predicted that Attendance would increase from 849,885 (FY2001 total) to 1,071,500 (26% increase) after expansion. Actual Attendance has indisputably trended downwards. Peak attendance was way back in 2002 when it reached 913,335. Since then, it has fallen every year except for 2008 when it bumped up slightly to 832,121.
It’s interesting that, even though Event Days trended upwards, attendance trended downwards. It’s attendance that we’re really after with the Civic Center, since it’s people who eat at restaurants, stay at hotels, and go shopping in Peoria, thus adding to our sales tax base. If attendance is going down, we’re losing money on the expansion. We would expect that to be reflected in the Civic Center’s Net Operating Income, and it is.
Net Operating Income
The Johnson study said the FY2001 Net Operating Income was $212,000. I’m not sure where they got that number. According to the Civic Center’s financial statements, there was a Net Operating Loss in FY2001 of $1,732,500. Even Operating Income Before Depreciation is only $78,333, although it’s at least on the positive side. I could find no reference to a $212,000 profit anywhere in the financial statement. It’s possible the amount was a preliminary figure that was revised subsequent to the report being published.
Nevertheless, Johnson predicted Net Operating Income of $1,519,000 after improvements. The actual picture of the Civic Center’s finances is not so rosy. From FY2001 to FY2009, the Civic Center suffered Net Operating Losses every year, and those losses are trending downward. FY2009 saw an all-time low loss of $4,273,556.
Much of this is a result of depreciation. If we look at Operating Income Before Depreciation, the trend from FY2006 to FY2009 is reversed, but still in the red.
At the current rate of increase, it will take somewhere in the neighborhood of fifteen years for Operating Income Before Depreciation to reach Johnson’s predicted levels.
While Event Days were close to reaching predictions before the downturn in business in FY2009, neither Attendance nor Net Operating Income show any signs of reaching their predicted levels.
There’s one other prediction not related to the Johnson report that’s worth noting. That was the prediction in aMarch 24, 2006, memo from the Civic Center Authority to the Peoria City Council that stated:
The Peoria Civic Center Authority is not now and has not previously requested public funding for a hotel. We have always hoped that a private development would be interested by the Peoria Civic Center expansion and upgrade to come forward with a proposal. We hope that the community will enable such a development.
The Peoria Civic Center Authority is committed and continues to be committed to the success of the expanded facilities. We believe it can be successful without an attached hotel but more and larger regional opportunities will be possible if more and better downtown hotel rooms are available.
Six months after that was written, the Civic Center Authority started pushing for an attached hotel. So now, after $55 million in investment that we were promised would be successful without a publicly-supported, attached hotel, taxpayers are being asked to back another $37 million in public investment for not one, but two headquarters hotels — a Pere Marquette Marriott and a Courtyard by Marriott. To bolster hotel supporters’ predictions that these hotels will be successful and realize 68%+ occupancy rates, another study has been completed, this time by HVS International.
All indications are that the Civic Center expansion is failing and the predictions by Johnson Consulting were, to put it charitably, optimistic. Yet we’re going to follow the same process of relying on rosy predictions from consultants and promises of success from the Civic Center (and Convention and Visitors Bureau) to give $37 million toward a headquarters hotel.
Why should we believe all these predictions of success? What empirical evidence is there that this project will pay off for the taxpayers? There is none.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Debasing & Defacing the Dollar


Brian Rule
HiBeam Internet & Voice
General Manager
(309) 863-5665

Sent from my iPhone

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Jack Johnson - Better Together

 Link to this post:

10:18 pm Brian Rule: Jack Johnson - Sleep Through the Static

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Nova says uh-oh - Nova says uh-oh

Nova says uh-oh

Nova says uh-oh

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Brian Rule's Blog - I am the GM for HiBeam Internet and Voice. We provide hi-speed internet and phon

Brian Rule's Blog

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Ready for a few beers after a long day

Ready for a few beers after a long day

Posted via web from brule's posterous

Kind of a lazy Saturday morning. The time to be productive will be here soon enough!

Kind of a lazy Saturday morning. The time to be productive will be here soon enough!

Posted via web from brule's posterous

Still seeing how this Buzz app works. Not sure yet...

Still seeing how this Buzz app works. Not sure yet...

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This is for my love!

This is for my love!

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Testing how to embed a song in Google Buzz

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Why is it that there is never anything good to watch on TV on a Saturday night!

Why is it that there is never anything good to watch on TV on a Saturday night!

Posted via web from brule's posterous

About to leave to go watch basketball playoffs. That's 2nd and 3rd grade basketball playoffs. Gonna

About to leave to go watch basketball playoffs. That's 2nd and 3rd grade basketball playoffs. Gonna be intense!

Posted via web from brule's posterous

Saturday, February 6, 2010

HiBeam Peoria Store additional info

Here is a little more information about the new store:

The entire store is connected to our HiBeam Internet and Voice services.  We have 3 internal phones as well as an internal data network for employees.  We also have a free public wi-fi connection for customers and guests.  Those two networks are each on a separate VLAN and everything is designed and managed on the HiBeam network.

We have two flat screen tv's that can be used to demo how effective our Internet is with online gaming, as well as for presentations to customers.  We also have some demo computers connected to HiBeam Internet as well as demo phones connected to HiBeam Voice services.  These computers and phones are available for customers to use to experience our hi-speed internet as well as our hi-quality voice service.

The store is an open floor plan and is designed to be multi-functional.  Our public wi-fi is available throughout the store as well as out in the parking lot.  If a guest is needing an internet connection they can stop into the store and connect up at no charge as well as from the vehicle if they don't have time to come inside the store.

Our address is:

HiBeam Internet & Voice
9901 N Knoxville Ave
Suite B
Peoria, IL 61615

If anyone would like to learn more about HiBeam and the WiMax technology that we use please check out our website at 

Or feel free to contact me at or call me at (309) 863-5665 and I would be happy to assist in any way.


Brian Rule
HiBeam Internet & Voice
General Manager
(309) 863-5665

Posted via email from brule's posterous

More pics of the Peoria HiBeam store

Here is the exterior of the store and signage:

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HiBeam Peoria Store almost ready for business

We are putting the finishing touches on our first HiBeam store,
located in north Peoria IL. Here is a picture of the interior:

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